Bow Mini Town Hall, London
Client London Borough of Tower Hamlets
In association with Housing and Building Services Department
Date: 1988
Located in the east of London, the project was the result of decentralisation of Tower Hamlets services and the need for a number of mini Tower Halls. Working within the Building Services and the Borough’s architects, this was one of the seven mini Town Hall which was to house all the department including, Planning, Social services, Housing, Education etc. The project was attached to an existing Edwardian and Arts & crafts listed building which was already part of the councils public services.
The new design had to relate to the Edwardian building and use some of its materials. The proposal, staying modern and mannered, uses some of the existing propositions of solid and voids as well as the same hand made bricks. The entrance to the complex has a curve roof which sets up a dialogue with the gable front of the existing building. There are a number of projections and balconies articulating the communal activities behind and within. There is a local library, a nursery and crèche for public as well as Council offices.