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2014 Fraser, M & Golzari, N. (2014) Architecture and Globalization in the Persian Gulf Region. Ashgate Publishing. London. (co editor)


2013 Surface, Air, and Underground, Looking at spaces of possibility and Spaces of Imagination in Palestine


2012 The Regeneration of the Historic centre of Beit Iksa, Palestine, in collaboration with Riwaq: Centre for Architectural Conservation.


2011 Golzari, N., & Sharif, Y. (2011). “Reclaiming space and identity: heritage-led regeneration in Palestine”. The Journal of Architecture. Vol.16 (1), pp.121-144.


2010 The Regeneration of the historic centre of Birzeit, Palestine,  in collaboration  with Riwaq: Centre for Architectural Conservation.


2005 ‘London Post colonial Hyper Modern city’ Sharjeh Urban Planning Symposium


2005 6 New Towns and sustainable Informal settlements


2003 Investigations on vertical Gardens, green roofs and natural cooling system  for aprototype green Office - In association with Pierre d’Avoine Architects, Professors Mike Wilson and Brian Ford as energy consultants.


2002 Research on energy efficiency methods, courtyard climatic house with solar chimneys- in association with Pierre d’ Avoine Architects, Universities of Oxford Brookes and London Metropolitan University as energy consultant.Sponsored by Iranian Fuel Conservation organisation.


2002 Research on prefabricated-ready made housing technologies with Pierre d’ Avoine Architects.


2000 Works and writings of Hugo Haring and the secret of form with Peter Blundell Jones and University of Sheffield. The research is sponsored by the Arts Council of England and private practice.


1996 Vertical and suspended gardens with courtyard live work units and different living Manchester.


1996 Living types social housing SRB bid, London.


1994 Hans Sharoun, projects and works. Sponsored by the Arts Council, Foundation for Sports&Arts, A3Times magazine, Universities of Sheffield, South Bank, and North London in with Peter Blundell Jone  and Academi De  Kunst Berlin. 


1994 Short and long term living types, suspended gardens and collective living ideas Neruppin Germany.


1988 Proposal for self-build energy efficient house in collaboration with University of North London and Tower Hamlets Housing department and the centre for alternative technology.


1987 Research on Erich Mendelsohn and the Bexhill Pavilion works and writing  sponsored by private practices,A3 Times magazine and Bexhill pavilion.


1987 Research on British Modern architecture 100 years.



Royal Institute of British Architects

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